Hello everyone,

This is Tish Krotzer, Volunteer Coordinator for the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter. I have a favor to ask of you so please read my story and see what you can do to help these fur kids find a home. You know every year 2000 animals come to CVAS through no fault of their own -- abandoned, abused, surrendered. When they arrive at the doors of CVAS they can be assured that they are in good hands.

It is so hard to see some of these poor innocent animals. They are scared, shaking, until you hold them, comfort them. Then, after while they look up at you with those sad eyes and you know what they are saying, "I feel safe now, I know that you are going to take care of me until I find that forever home, thank you for being so kind."

CVAS has many breeds of animals come to the shelter, no doubt the pups and kitties are the largest group that come to us, but there are also the rabbits, gerbils, Guinea pigs, birds, ferrets. They are sometimes overlooked, not that everyone is looking for a pet in this category, but some may not be aware of these special fur kids.

I have attached some pictures of bunnies, a Guinea pig and parakeets that have been with CVAS for long time, it breaks my heart that they have not yet found their forever homes.

I had never become acquainted with bunnies, especially Guinea pigs. In the beginning I called Lady GaGa a gerbil, then a hamster and was corrected just recently that she is a Guinea Pig. Lady GaGa couldn't care less but it may make a difference for someone that would want to give her a forever home. Regardless, she is a sweet little furry baby that talks to me when I go into the shelter.

The bunnies now stand up in their cages when they see me. Pongo who always would try and bite at my hands has become my pal, and gets so excited that when I come in with their special vegetables.

Did you know that rabbits are much like cats, they can be litter box trained, get along with cats, are loving and can become a favorite family pet. Guinea pigs make an excellent pet as well. Their big time of the day is when Auntie Tish comes in with their favorite meal. I have been taking greens and carrots into these special fur kids and have become very close to these babies.

These are very special fur kids so please, if any of you would want to give them a forever home please call the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter at 717-263-5791 or you can call me anytime.

Thank you all for listening to the story of the Rabbits, Lady GaGa and the singing parakeets. (Remember the Animals have no Voice but Ours!)

guineaThey found me under a bush, I don't know what I would have done if they didn't take me.birds

Our Owners left us behind the animal shelter, they saved my life. Now I need my forever home.

Please give us a forever home.

These Parakeets are awesome.

Their names are Anakan & Obi-Wan. They sing, play together and are so friendly.

Our rabbits: Utah, Kanas, Pongo and Homer utah

kansasKanas and I are brothers, we are very close, we clean each other and sleep side by side. I'm Pongo, I'm really a great guy. I'm Homer, I also consider myself a great guy and we promise to be really good guys if you will give us a forever home. We hope someday soon we will find someone to love us.


homer pongo