Welcome to The Community Service Corner!
Thank you for choosing Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter to complete your service hour requirements!
Our community service volunteers are either tasked with helping clean the kennels of cats & dogs, or assisting with groundskeeper work when the weather is nice.
We work with Scouts, National Honor Society, schools, churches, businesses, and court orders to help fulfill your community service requirements.
All of our court ordered community service hours begin at 7:00 am - Sunday through Saturday - with a minimum of 3 hours and a maximum of 5 hours.
There are court ordered charges that CVAS does not take, as is the shelter policy. If you want to check before completing your application, please contact us at either:
717-263-5791 or email cvasoffice@cvas-pets.org
We do not have our community service participants clock out and return later in the day to continue their service hours. Once you clock out for the day, your hours end for that day. On that same note, we do not have our participants leave the building and return while still “on the clock."
If you are here for National Honor Society or other school affiliated hours - please continue to the form below!
Community Service Regulations
In an effort to ensure all parties are satisfied with the community service performed, please read the following regulations carefully and be sure you understand what's required before you sign up to help at the animal shelter.
- No one under 18 years old can perform any kind of community service with CVAS without a parent/guardian.
- Mistreatment or disrespect shown to any animal, staff member, volunteer, or visitor will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave immediately and your parole officer will be called.
- CVAS has community service hours available in the mornings 7:00 am to 12:00 pm - if your schedule will not permit your service in the mornings and give at least three hours of work, please consider another non-profit with a wider range of hours.
- Performing community service with CVAS is physically demanding. Anyone with physical limitations of any kind should seek a non-profit with less demanding work.
- You will come to work appropriately dressed. You must wear jeans, sneakers/boots, and appropriate t-shirts; jewelry is to your discretion but we strongly recommend against items that is considered "loose fitting." Anyone who arrives not dressed to the above specifications will either be issued spare scrub pants or will be asked to leave and perform their services elsewhere.
- You will be required to clean animal kennels. It's going to be messy. Anyone who feels they cannot handle the odor or the mess, please consider doing community service elsewhere.
- You will be expected to work. This shelter has to be clean and ready to open to the public by 11:00 am every day. If you choose to do your service hours here, please be ready to learn what it takes to work at the shelter and be a help to the employees here.
- You should arrive to help at the agreed upon time. Being late or not showing up is unacceptable and causes problems with the kennel staff who are expecting the help. Please email or call the shelter if you are not able to come in for your scheduled day. Service hours will be terminated after unexplained No Call, No Show.
- There are aspects of shelter work that must remain confidential - information concerning certain animals in our isolation areas, adoption applications, quarantined animals, and cruelty cases, as examples. You are not at liberty to discuss any confidential matters outside the shelter.
- We ask that you come to work individually. Two friends or significant others are not allowed to perform community service together at the same time.
If you do not feel comfortable with any of these regulations, please do not choose to perform your service hours with CVAS. There are many non-profit organizations in the area that require far less physical labor and regulations for their community service people. You will be expected to do far more than just play with dogs and cats. You will be expected to perform work exactly like a shelter employee.
If you decide to perform your service hours with CVAS and cannot abide by these regulations, you will be asked to leave and complete your hours elsewhere.
Community Service Form
Thank you for choosing the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter to complete your court or school hours! We'll be happy to work with you throughout this process. Please complete the form completely and to the best of your ability, and if there are any questions please reach out!
Please check your spam folder in your email if you do not hear back from our Community Service Coordinator.
If you do not hear back from her in two to three business days and you did not have the information
arrive in your junk folder, please feel free to call us at the shelter at 717-263-5791.